Selling Your House In The Winter: A Few Tips

Is Winter A Bad Time To Sell Your House?

To be clear, the answer is a definite no. People considering selling in the winter often wonder, “Should I wait until the spring to sell?” as that’s the traditional time of year that they hear the market is hot. In truth, selling in the winter can be financially beneficial compared to other seasons.

Here are a few reasons why:

Less Competition

Since many people consider spring to be the best season to sell your home, many homeowners wait to list their homes until then. This increases the amount of inventory potential home buyers have to look at. With fewer homes available in the winter, this may be a better time to put your home on the market.

Listing in the winter can give your property more attention. In addition, buyers might be more likely to shop when there are fewer people out there looking for the sake of social distancing. 

Serious Buyers Shop In The Winter

If a buyer is house hunting in the winter, they’re ready to move. Prospective buyers who shop during the winter months don’t want to miss out on the perfect home by taking the chance that another buyer will purchase the home before spring.

In the spring, the flood of new houses on the market coupled with freshly warmed weather can create a lot of “lookie-loos” who aren't really ready to buy.

In short, winter buyers are more likely to pull the trigger on making an offer on your home.

End-Of-The-Year Bonuses

Looking for ways to spend that holiday work bonus? Potential buyers are, too! Folks who receive a bonus during the winter months often start to think about using that extra cash to upgrade their homes. Sometimes, they want to get right to house hunting and strike while the iron (or bank account) is hot.

Highlight Winter Features

Showing your home in the winter months can highlight how your home can withstand the harsh elements. Potential buyers may want to see how snow falls off the roof or how easy it is to plow the driveway.

If you have a hot tub, captivating fireplace or other similar features, winter will help them shine for prospective buyers and make them feel cozy and right at home.


How To Sell Your Home Fast In The Winter

If you really want to sell your home in a hurry (or flurry?), there are a few more things you can do in addition to the key points mentioned above:

Prioritize Coziness

Buyers want to feel warm and cozy the second they walk into your home. Add blankets, rugs, candles and pillows throughout the space. If you have a gas fireplace, make sure it’s pumping out heat and light during showings.

These little touches will help buyers visualize their lives in your home, aka their new home!

Add Paint To Your Walls

It’s surprising how far a little paint can go. Even if you just freshen up the colors in a few rooms, it may completely transform the entire home. Remember to choose neutral colors that most buyers can enjoy.

Make The Most Out Of Your Entrance

In addition to ensuring your sidewalks and driveway are clean, you may want to add a little personality to your entrance for additional curb appeal. Lanterns, a new doormat and other little touches can really go a long way.

Show Your Home During The Day

Daytime hours are limited during the winter months but showing your home during the light of day helps buyers see the entire inside and outside. If you must show it at night, make sure all of your exterior and interior lights are on.

Be Mindful Of Holiday Decor

Even though it’s the holidays, it’s important to pay attention to what’s on display throughout your home. While buyers don’t expect you to avoid seasonal decor, you may want to keep it as neutral as possible. For example, keep it simple with tasteful white lights as opposed to the flashing multicolor lights.


Bottom Line

Don’t freeze up when it comes to the thought of selling your home in the winter. You may be surprised at how easy it can be. Use the tips covered here and always keep learning and researching other home selling tips. That way you'll be prepared no matter what time of year you decide to sell.