6 Easy Halloween Appetizers

1. Mummy Brie
Don't serve any kind of cheese for your Halloween party — bring out the mummy brie! Use crescent roll dough to make crisscross patterns over the wheel of brie and add olives for the eyes.


2. Mummy Jalapeño Poppers
Break out the crescent roll dough to make these cheesy and spicy apps for your Halloween party.


3. I See You Halloween Snack Mix
Always feel like somebody's watching you? This gluten-free puppy chow mix might be the reason (it's a great snack, too!).


4. Jack-o-lantern Snack Board
Gather your favorite gourd-colored goods — candies, cheese and carrots are all favorites! — and arrange them in a pumpkin shape using darker treats for the eyes, nose and mouth. Don’t forget the jalapeño “stem”!


5. Boo-scotti
With a little white chocolate, a store-bought biscotti becomes an adorable homemade snack.


6. Severed Toes in Bandages
For a comically grotesque appetizer, fashion your mini hotdogs into these bandaged toes — then, watch a good horror movie.
